Saturday, December 3

My cave of Adullam

Speak to me, speak to me in my cave of Adullam.
Reach to me, reach to me, no one cares for my soul.
I thought I saw your kingdom,
but it's not going to happen like I thought it would happen.

This song, by Sara Groves (one of my favorite artists), is inspired from the life and story of David, shepherd boy, giant slayer, King of Israel and ancestor of Jesus Messiah. At a young age, this simple shepherd boy was selected out by God and the prophet Samuel, to be anointed as King of Israel.

A brief interaction between God and man, placing a calling on the boy's head and life. And yet, he then spends the next decade or so waiting for this calling to be fulfilled. During that time, he spends most of his time running. Fleeing and hiding from the one who could have been a mentor but was instead a jealous enraged king; a king who wanted to kill.

Remind me, remind me of the vision you gave me.
Remind me, remind me what anointing oil is for.
I need to know you're near me.
I need to know you are holding me just as closely...

The cave of Adullam was one of David's hiding places. He and his men hid in this seemingly great cave, hiding from the King and his pursuant army. Here he was, away from home and his family, with a death warrant hanging over his head, wondering how, if and when he would finally see the fulfillment of that long ago anointing.

I wonder if he questioned whether or not he understood the call clearly. I wonder if he was ready to abandon the call, just to have his simple shepherding life back. I wonder if his faith wavered as this dream seemed always just out of reach. After all, he was the one hiding in a cave. the day you took my life and gave me a vision,
As the day you poured the oil and gave me a dream.
I can't believe this is happening.
How does a shepherd become a king?

What we do know is that David saw the fulfillment of God's promise. He witnessed God's faithfulness during the years of frustration and longing; the years when the call must have seemed like only a mirage in the desert sun. He endured, continued to cling to God, and repeatedly spoke of God's goodness.

He ran the race, despite the cost, and finished well. A man after God's own heart.
To this day, his achievements, life, and calling, has given enduring glory to God.
And after all, shouldn't that be the goal?

For the vision is yet for the appointed time;
It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
For it will certainly come, it will not delay
Habakkuk 2:3

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