Thursday, December 16

A Bit of Joy

There's a blog I've recently discovered that I am just loving. Her writing is genuine as she shares about not being in an emotional place to celebrate Christmas. So to help with that, she is doing a list of 100 joys that she can find between December 1-25. Her list often brings a smile to my face and the warm feeling of God's goodness. Furthermore, her list is accompanied by all these beautiful pictures.

Well, I've decided I'm going to attempt to find 100 joys or as many as possible. I know I'm getting a late start. It's not that I've been joyless but I since I believe all joy comes from God, this will help me to focus more on Him as we approach Christmas. It's easy to get stuck on aforementioned job dislike, uncertainty over the future, lack of a husband, too busy, me, me, me...blah!

  1. I help with AWANA at my church. At one point, I was asking my group of girls what their favorite part of Christmas was. In the midst of all the expected answers, one girl said that her favorite thing was having a fire in the fireplace and the tree lit up next to it...that warm cozy feeling of being home.
  2. The memories I have plus the assurance of my grandpa's faith, as he is struggling with pneumonia and is doing very poorly, according to the doctors.
  3. The ability to bless others. What might be small to me...what would be wasted on frivolous things...can bring joy, life, comfort, and hope to others. That, in turn, blesses me.
  4. We all have friends who require a bit more energy from us, right? I have invited such a friend to come over for dinner and a Christmas movie. I'm genuinely looking forward to this.
  5. Lastly for right now, joy is knowing that when crap hits fan, people still have your back.

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