Sunday, December 6

A good couple days

Okay, so my weepiness passed from Friday. The last couple days have been more emotionally stable! Always a plus for the people around me.

I successfully finished my class on Saturday at 3pm. I think my ending time is a new record. I usually have until midnight to submit my homework and I am usually wrapping my classes up around 5pm or 6pm. I had the whole Saturday night to relax, which was wonderful. However I made myself clean my consistently neglected apartment first since I was running on adrenaline of having just completed my paper/class. So when the adrenaline wore off about an hour into my cleaning, I plopped down on my couch, satisfied with my class and satisfied with a clean(er) apartment. I rewarded myself with a movie, Northanger Abbey, and starting my novel for the week, Jane Eyre. The jury is out on the book still. (I hate the movie Jane Eyre but a good friend told me the book was I told her I'd trust her and read the stupid story. I'll let you know come next week how I felt about the book.)

Another good thing that happened yesterday is that I bought my plane ticket to visit my grandparents in California. Alaska Airlines was having a sale and to fly round trip from Seattle to California is only costing me $120, which is unheard of these days. I think the "normal" rate is somewhere between $200-300. So excited. It has unfortunately been two years since I've seen my grandparents and I really want to see them! So next February, here I come! I love visiting my grandparents (and hopefully it will be warm down there...I'm sure I'll need to thaw out a bit) but whenever I visit them, I find my life a bit skewed since suddenly there is a lack of internet and coffee. It's always an odd feeling being both disconnected and hazy. Good times.

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