Wednesday, May 13

Thank-you-Jesus Moments

Today I am thankful for Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who provides.

Whenever I am (really) tired, I get emotional. Yesterday at work, I was feeling cranky, tired, and emotional and wondering how I would ever get my homework done before my plane leaves tomorrow morning.

I went home, made a pot of coffee and perked up. God gave me sustaining energy until midnight, which was enough time for me to complete a major assignment, take a quiz, and post a comment on the class' discussion page. All I have left to do is respond to two other student's comments and I am good to go...the class will be finished. I am confident I'll have this done today during my lunch break. Hallelujah!

This is such a burden this means that I can enjoy tonight and not stress as much.
The Lord is helping me finish well!

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