Saturday, May 9

Mental Short-Circuiting

I am at the point of time when my mind goes a bit numbe because of school and work. between both school and work, Iam ont he computer about 60 hours aweek. My classes run in two terms: fall and spring, each of which consists of three classes per term. I find that when I get to the end of the second term, my mind is a bit slower than "ususal." What is oful is that my typeing becomes atrocius. It ends up taking me twice a s long to writ a silly paragraph because Iam constantly making mistakes. What is funy is that some times what I thik isn't what I end up writing at all...I'll reread my emails at work or my homework and wonder how did I end up wiriting those comments wehen I was completely thinking about something else. It's crazy. and yes, all the typos in this paragraph ar genuine...I just dicided not to correct them to show you how mental my mind goes.

The scary thing is that I still have one more class before the term is over...oy vey!

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