Tuesday, March 31

Odds and Ends

Tomorrow a visitor is coming to the office. Whenever a visitor comes, we always spruce up our desks, file papers away, and stand in amazement at how clean our desks can be! I need a visitor to come to my house...

On a completely different subject, I have become a blog addict. I have my favorites that I check almost daily! And then every once in a while, I'll click on some of my favorite's favorites and discover a new gem. I found a new gem today...http://churchexperiment.blogspot.com/...Steve Fuller has decided to attend 52 churches in a year. He is a Christian who has worked in a church, started a church plant and burned out so badly that he almost left the church. Through his contemplation to leave the church, The Church Experiment idea came along. I haven't read much...only the newest entry but man! this guy sure can write. Plus, the idea of visiting 52 churches of all religions/beliefs is something that intriuges me. Anyhow, I can't wait to read more...I think it will be insightful, heartbreaking, and affirming.

1 comment:

Jerry and Kim said...

hey, thanks for posting this entry. I read this blog and found it really interesting and will enjoy reading it too! Thanks, I enjoy reading your blog as well. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and life!