Wednesday, May 26

Initial Class Thoughts

There are three, count them THREE, students in my class. Me and two guys...and the teacher.


My average class is anywhere from 10-20 people. This class has three. That's it!
This is going to be both a good and a bad's why:

The best thing about my past classes was, hands down, the interaction that I have had with the teachers and the students. There will definitely be high levels of interaction seeing as only four people total are involved. Yay! And my professor has asked to see a copy of my thesis paper when I'm finished...eek!...but also exciting.

I can't even pretend to hide. Hello?!? I'm the only female voice. I'm 33% of the class. My input will be read by everyone. Moreover, part of my grade is dependent on my interaction with the other students...this means that even if my classmates aren't clever in their writing, I have to still find a way to respond to them intelligently because I don't have option of skipping them to review another student's work instead. It's them or nothing at all.

Despite this silly quandary, I'm excited about this class. It's missions, missions, missions! My heart and mind are excited.

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