Wednesday, November 18

And this is how it happens...

Sometimes I feel like a nut...sometimes I am a nut!

Exactly 4 days ago, I could open my calendar and see a blank week ahead of me (except for Youth Group on Tuesday night). Joy to the world! Up until this week, my week nights over the last two or three months have been a bit full...meetings, airport runs, more meetings, youth group...not to mention homework. But 4 days ago, this week was blissfully clear. I could hear the angels singing!

Exactly 3 days ago, I suddenly have plans for this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night....bam! Just like that! Play, singing, that order.

Exactly 2 days ago, I suddenly am expecting a phone call tonight from a lovely college friend whom I haven't talked to since before she had her beautiful new babe in July!

Exactly yesterday, I now have plans for Thursday night...dinner and movie with my sister.

Homework? what homework? Oh....that homework? will get done sooner or later this my free time.
Blissfully clear week? Let's try January.

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