Sunday, September 26

Men's Ministries

Is it okay to admit that I am envious of the men's ministries at my church?

During the last school year, they studied Galatians and Ephesians during one of the services. I wanted to go but alas I am not a man.

This year, they are doing a study on prayer with half of the time intended for actual praying...imagine that! Anyhow, I want to go but alas I am not a man.

Plus this summer they read Brennan Manning's The Importance of Being Foolish. I wanted to join know! I know I can read this book on my own and I probably will one day. It's just the thought that people are studying these topics/books in my church and I can't join.

This is why I need a husband! So that he can participate and later on discuss with me what was learned. It would be like attending by proxy! Wouldn't that be nice!

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