Tuesday, October 28

The Great Introduction...or something like that

I've been holding off on typing something in attempts to think of something good and meaningful. Something that will reflect me to you. Something that is interesting enough about me that random people might think "hey, she sounds interesting...let's keep reading..." I give up!

So let me introduce key element of myself:

I am a coffee drinker! I love my coffee and you bound to hear that a time or two.
I love to cook...it is a stress reliever for me and just plain fun.
I'm a food broker-customer service person (aka no one knows what I do)
I collect Starbucks mugs which means I'll never run out of mugs. I have over 30 from all over the world.
I obviously enjoy traveling. I've been to 13 countries, I think, which isn't a lot in the scheme of things.
I'm a student...working on my Master's degree (aka still a poor college student).
Lastly, and most importantly, I'm a person called by God to serve Him throughout my life!

So anyways, here's my first blog. I don't know how consistent I'll be but I'll try my best.

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