Monday, October 11

A Weekend in Review

This past weekend had been in the works for about three weeks.
I must say that I was only ever mildly looking forward to it. I knew it would be a good weekend but also tiring and a bit inconvenient.

One of my Oregonian friends was invited to a wedding in Canada that was on Sunday. She didn't want to travel alone and thus recruited her sister (my BFA friend) and me to come along for the trip. Our excuse for going...was to see Rich and Lynn...a BFA couple who are so special and dear to us. (As a side note, BFA is the Black Forest Academy, in Germany...a boarding school for missionary kids that we all worked at.)

On Friday, my friends arrived to the area and we met up to go swing dancing, something they both enjoy. I was so lost. I didn't feel adventurous on the dance floor with my zero amount of lessons and/or experiences. Plus I practically went from zumba to swing dancing that night so after an hour of watching and laughing, I was pooped. I danced all of three dances. The poor sap who first asked me to dance was so gracious. I was very upfront that I had never done this before and didn't even know what to do. So he tried to teach me. The last dance was with my friend Amy who was by far a better teacher than the two guys and it was a fun way to end the 2am.

On Saturday, we left my place around 1:30pm and drove up to Rich and Lynn's. I haven't seen them since 2007 so it was very good to see them again! I still say that Lynn is one of the four people who got me through my 2nd year. They fed us such great Greek food, made me a latte, and all of us talked and talked and talked...about Germany, about our present and future, and about God. Since our time was short, we talked until 1am.

On Sunday, we went to church with Rich and Lynn and then back to their place for a quick lunch, which actually ended up being not so quick. We got to talking again and stayed perhaps a bit later than we should have...but it was so good! After a hug goodbye with a promise to visit again, the three of us tromped off the wedding. It was a bit strange attending a wedding for someone I didn't know but it was still lovely. Immediately after the ceremony, we started the drive home. We didn't get to my place until 6:30pm and after a quick change and bite to eat, we all left; my friends back to Oregon and I to another friend's house. My dear friend from Holland is in town for 2.5 weeks and last night was the first chance I had to get to see her. My previous late nights made me super tired by 9:30pm so I headed home with plans for the upcoming weeks. So excited!

Partly due to my personality and partly due to my schedule, I find it easy to allow myself to become a bit reclusive...not necessarily intentionally but it happens. Then one day, I find myself cranky, weepy, and restless and I realize that I need to get out and be with people. The chance to love and be loved, the chance to hear and be heard, and the chance to laugh and laugh and laugh some more. While this weekend may have been slightly inconvenient, it was so good and exactly what I needed. I realized on my way home from Canada that I felt refreshed, even after shortened sleep amounts and a busy weekend! It's amazing how that happens, isn't it?

All in all, a good weekend!

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