Friday, March 23

All sorts of crazy

The last couple weeks have been all sorts of craziness. And thankfully (hopefully) I'm starting to feel life relax a bit...I feel more "unwound" at the moment, which is good and lovely.

--I have been trying to sell my car, get it ready for sale which included 4 trips to the shop to get one thing fixed, and simultaneously look for a "new" car. Car shopping and car fixing bring a whole level of stress on their I hear an amen? There were a few nights where my dreams were consumed with car details. I didn't enjoy those dreams, as one might imagine. But last week, my boss gave me a lecture (which wasn't entirely appreciated, although well-meaning) but one thing he did mentioned that I've taken to heart is the fact that I don't know what is happening next in my life. And if there's a possibility of me selling any "new" car within months, then I'd be financially better off if I just held onto my current car until then. So that's what I'm doing. My car has been fixed...the check engine light is off for the first time in the 5 months that I've owned my car...glory be! But all car shopping has been put on hold, which brings an element of relief.

--My church has a "missions week" at the end of January when two missionaries are brought to our church for a week of events...truly a highlight of each year. But this past Saturday-Monday, we had another "mini missions weekend." So my Saturday and Monday night, which are generally used for relaxation, were full, which, although I enjoyed and chose to participate in the events, did my make weekend and week feel immensely full.

--Work has been a zoo. I work for a "mom and pop" type of company. My boss really only wants/expects us to work 40 hours/week and because I'm not in-love with my job and don't get paid overtime, I have no problems complying with that. But I have been swamped. Work has picked up, which is a good thing (I suppose), but I'm getting behind on my duties. My job is no longer a 40 hour job but more like a 50 hour job. So sadly, I'm planning to come into work tomorrow for the sole purpose of working on invoices...I'm about 4-5 months behind...eek! I'll bring in some music, make some coffee, and try to make my time here as pleasant as possible...and as short as possible.

--Last bit of craziness is my own future. I'm not going to go into detail at this time but believe me, God is doing and planning something and life-changing decisions are having to be made (one decision needs to be made this weekend!!). So in the spare moments, while driving to and from work, church, or other commitments, I have been thinking over these things and have been shooting off popcorn prayers of pleas for God's wisdom and guidance. I don't know if this is the best way to make life-changing decisions but it's what my life has allowed lately. God can work even in that!

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