This week finds me busy.
Okay, who isn't busy this week, right??
I don't know about you but I am officially in list mode.
Making a list, checking it twice.
I'm moving places and while I knew that packing was going to envelop my Christmas season, I did not anticipate to be moving just down the street. I haven't told you all yet, have I? I'm not moving cross-country. Nothing is changing in my life, at this time...a statement I'm learning to accept, as I continually focus on trusting God.
Anyhow, despite not leaving the area, I still have to move because my sister and I let up our apartment (in anticipation of me moving cross-country) and she signed a lease with a friend, at another apartment complex. As for me, I am going to be renting a bedroom from a lady who goes to my church. It will be a completely different living arrangement than what I've had, thus far, but I think it will be good.
So each day, I find myself analyzing my nights, trying to figure out what to pack next, as well as mulling over my needed Christmas shopping (groceries and presents), Christmas baking that I still want to do, and the handful of activities (skype calls, church services, work schedules, coffee dates) that are scattered through the the next week.
Speaking of which, I just took a half hour break to write down the groceries that were flooding my mind. Whew! In Bible college, I took a homiletics (sermon-making) class, which I enjoyed. One of our assignments that lasted the entire semester was keep a WIDOLIF journal...a journal of quotes, analogies, thoughts, or anything that may be useful for a sermon one day. WIDOLIF means "write it down or lose it forever"...cute, isn't it? Anyhow, that's kind of where I am.
My mom called me Friday night, I think, and asked about the plans for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, for myself, my younger sister, and brother. (My older sister is flying to Arizona to have Christmas with the parents.) I told her that honestly, I haven't thought that far. I know what we are more-or-less having for Christmas dinner. I know there's church both days. I know that I'll be pretty much alone Christmas Eve night. But as for a Christmas Day agreed plan between us remaining three...we haven't really talked about it. I suppose we should get on that. :) I've coerced my brother into helping me move some stuff tomorrow night...he and I can chat then.
Okay...this is getting a bit random, I think, so I'd better call it a day.
Happy planning to you all! Trusting that everything will get done, for you and for me, in its time!
Wow--what a busy week, despite not moving cross-country. God has a plan! Delight yourself in the Lord.
God has a plan indeed! :)
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