Thursday, November 3

Random thoughts

--I slept in today accidentally. I failed to turn on my alarm clock last night and when I opened my eyes this morning, my first thought was that my room was too bright for 6:15am. Sure enough, it was 8:30am...already 30 minutes late to work. Needless to say I got ready really fast and assured my boss that I was coming! It's amazing how clear the roads are around 8:45-9:00am.

--I love streaming music at my work computer...something to break the silence. Right now on my player are three CDs: India.Arie's Voyage to India, The Civil Wars' Barton Hallow, and Cyndi Lauper's At Last...a wonderful collection of (mostly) calming soulful folksy and jazz songs.

--I purchased 20 lbs of Gala apples and will be picking them up tomorrow. There is a farm in central Washington that grows various crops and each Friday/Saturday, they drive out to various stops on the west coast to sell their products. Pretty genius of them, I think. Anyhow, tomorrow I get my Galas, for which I intend to make and can applesauce, which I'll be doing on Saturday. So excited!

--And then Sunday...will be joyous! I am making a trip up to Vancouver, British Columbia (about 2-2.5 hours north of me) to spend the day with some friends from Germany! A day won't be long enough but their schedule is packed full for the rest of the year and I don't anticipate being here come next year so this one day is what was available! I'll join them for church and then camp out at their home for the afternoon/early evening. (Side note: I don't know how many of you have had this experience but you know when you visit someone in their home and it's just perfect and homey and wonderful. And then they move to another place and you visit that home and find it to be the same perfectness, even though the lay-out of their home is quite's like everything they owned fit perfectly into two different homes. It's both amazing and while lots has changed, some things are still the same. You know what I mean?? Anyhow, such is the case with the couple/family. Love that!)

--Last random note, I'm starting to think about Thanksgiving (Nov 24, for my non-USA readers). My parents are in Arizona, leaving us four siblings to celebrate Thanksgiving together in some way. This is by no means my first Thanksgiving without my parents but I guess it is my first Thanksgiving without my parent but with all my siblings. Anyhow, as the "cook" of us four, I'm assuming most will lie on me, which is fine. Maybe I should talk with my younger sister to see how we could make it special for all of us. I love to cook but presentation and post-dinner activities are not my "specialty." Somehow, I doubt spending the evening packing some of my stuff will make them excited to spend the evening at our apartment. I wonder if they would enjoy pulling out the Christmas decorations and tree???

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Hope all the cooking goes well! Sounds fun to hang with the siblings. ;-)