Along with "I miss Germany" comes the "I miss the Black Forest Academy." But this is about Germany, not BFA.
A colleague that I rarely work with just returned this past weekend from Germany, which probably started my whole "I miss Germany" week...thanks a lot Phil.
Here are some of the great things about Germany, just in case you've never been. And if you've never been, you should right start checking out airfare and get that passport renewed. And if you have been there, share in my love of Germany...let the great things of Germany wash over you until you, like me, are having an "I miss Germany" week (what a mean stinker I am!). So without further ado, the great things about Germany:
Okay, I don't have a lot of destinations, to be honest. I sadly didn't get to see a lot of German places as it is quite a large country and so many other equally interesting neighboring countries. But of the places I did go, I miss:
- Berlin. This destination currently holds the coveted "best place I've ever visited" title. It surpassed all that I expected (which may be why I loved my time there)...mainly because I went with low expectations, really going for the company and not caring about the history or tourist opportunities. It was A-MAZ-ING! Ich bin ein Berliner!
- Rothenburg ob der Tauber. This little gem of a town is not super easy to get to, unless you drive in. It's a walled in city having it's roots start back about a millennium ago. If you go, you must eat a Schneeballen and go on the Nightwatchman tour. They have an English tour every's interesting, funny, and completely worthwhile.
- Freiburg im Breisgau. I know I'm completely biased about this city seeing as it was the closest German city near me but I think it's wonderful. The cathedral is beautiful. The area is surrounded by cobblestone streets and quaint cafes.
- Grocery Stores. I know that nobody ever visits a country dreaming of visiting the local grocery stores but I love German grocery stores. I love the random non-food-related items you'd find in there (why yes, I did need a garden shovel! and of course it makes perfect sense to find it right next to the cheese!). I miss the German words swirling about me as I walk up and down the four or five aisles. I miss the unique food items that you simply cannot find over here. I miss the race to load your cart as fast as possible due to the itty-bitty counter. Good times, good times.
- Schnitzel with spaetzle...the epitome of goodness. Don't think about the calories...just eat!
- Pretzels...crusty and salty on the outside, soft on the inside.
- Apfelkuchen mit kaffee...the perfect "coffee date" recipe
- Pizza brotchen...there are these frozen pizza things you can buy at the grocery store. It's an individual serving of pizza on brotchen (a roll of sorts). We always had a box or two or three in our deep freezer for staff lunches, after-school snacks or random weekend meals. So good.
- Schokomusli...the combination of chocolate and granola. Perfect for breakfast, lunch, dinner or any snack in between.

- Spargel (Asparagus)...okay, now you're thinking "Mindy, good news...asparagus isn't just in Germany!" But what you may not know is that you rarely find green spargel. You will more likely find fat white spargel that come in April or May and become the featured guest on every restaurant menu. Pour a little hollandaise sauce on it and yum!
- Apfelshorle...a combination of apple juice and club soda (I think?)...all I know is that I've tried to duplicate this to no avail.
- Bratwurst. Before I went to Germany, I didn't mind was okay. After Germany, I sometimes find myself standing in the bratwurst section at my grocery store, wondering if I should indulge myself or walk away, and missing the Germany bratwurst selection.
Extra German goodness:
- Quaint cafes and/or outdoor seating. I know this isn't German specific but having lived most my life in a cool often-rainy area, sitting outside at a restaurant or cafe, rarely happens. I think it was in Germany where I sat outside for the first time and LOVED IT!
- Autobahn...Yes, it has the reputation of "no speed limit" but it is a very safe place to drive. And not only that but Germans are very particular about carrying out good driving rules...rules I often wish for over here in Washington (like only being in the right hand lane to pass!!!!)
- Castles on the hillside. Seriously!!! Nothing in the States compares with that.
- Sparmuhl. The "get rid of your junk for free" day and a day to go "free junk shopping" it!
I also miss the short business hours, everything closed on Sundays, and various year-round markets and celebrations. I'd even be willing to put up with the humorous and slightly ridiculous garbage rules again.
Yessir-e-bob...I think I need to go back there one day.
1 comment:
You DO make it sounds quite wonderful. =)
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