Thursday, April 21

The Easter Journey

It was my fullest intention to observe Lent this year. I bought a Lenten devotional from Jason Vana, thinking that would keep me focused and on-track. I made a plan then realised that smack in the middle of Lent, I was going on vacation for two weeks. Questions of (im)possibilities starting flooding my mind. Not to mention that prior to vacation, during the first couple weeks of Lent, I was trying to wrap up my thesis paper. I was a wee bit busy!

I failed to follow the devotional altogether, unfortunately. However, I did pretty good sticking to my personal Lenten plan, that is, until I went on vacation. From then on, I have derailed.

But to a degree, that the point of Lent and Easter, isn't it?
Where my insufficiencies start is where He is all-sufficient.
Where I stumble or sin, His mercy extends and covers.
Where I am unholy, He is holy.
In my weaknesses, I am more apt to seeing His glory and His perfection and to realise just how much I need Him. I taste how my life would be if it were not for His saving power and His ability to redeem me.

I know several people who seem to minimize Good Friday. Sure, they recognize it's an important day but "Hey! We have been redeemed...we live in Easter now!" While I get their point, there would be no Easter without Good Friday. No glorious day or new life without the darkness and scarring of death.

Don't get me wrong. I love to worship and reflect on the life that God has given me. This year, in fact, I've been mulling over the fact that I am redeemed and contemplating on what that means. I am so thankful for Christ's resurrection and all that it means. But I think it's a good thing to remember the cross. When I do so, it humbles me and exalts Him.
Behold the man upon the cross
My sin upon His shoulder
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished
"How Great the Father's Love for Us" by Stuart Townend


Moe said...

Easter should be celebrated and we should rejoice for it's a reminder of the great sacrifice of our savior. Some people seem to downplay this celebration, but I am reminded of how God had asked the people of Israel to celebrate certain occasions, so that they understood what God had done for them.

I think that can be applied to us as well.

God bless Mindy. Rejoice in His salvation!

Mindy said...

Thanks Moe! I think when we take the time to remember the sin and pain, we are able to "more fully" celebrate the resurrection. I love that God continually told the Israelites to look back and remember...I think that is something that the Christian church could do more of, proactively. Anyhow, happy Easter to you, Moe!