Yesterday I addressed the Biblical "Mr. Right." Today, I'm going to write about the Biblical woman that makes most women squirm. As I said yesterday, hopefully "hate" is too strong of a word and not even applicable.
But if I could choose one woman in the Bible who is the epitome of godliness and feminine perfection it would be the Proverbs 31 woman.
She makes clothes, in delight
She chooses good food to eat
She gets up early to prepare food for her family
She buys fields and plants a vineyard
She is strong and healthy
She doesn't forget to fill the lamps with oil
She remembers the poor and helps those in need
Again, she makes sufficient clothing for everyone in her home
She is modest
She makes extra belts and garments to sell them
She is known for her strength, dignity, and pleasant disposition
Her words are full of wisdom and she is a model of kindness
She is never idle
I don't know about you but I read this list and already feel tired. Whew! What a woman!
Umm...unless we are talking about crocheting scarves, I sorely lack in clothes-making department. I'm happy to do the laundry and even happier to cook but don't ask me to sew...if you do, no guarantees as to what you'll get (ie, think Denise's shirt for Theo). I may not ever make my own clothes or clothes for my own family but what I love about this woman is how her focus is on those around her: her husband, kiddos, and the poor/needy. She is something who puts others before herself.
Another thing I appreciate is the industriousness of this woman. In this modern era of feminist movements, we have a group of people who cry out for woman independence and freedom from archaic stereotypes but this Proverbs 31 woman was a hard worker, bought and worked her own land, sold products in the markets, and was known for her character. This description dates back before is about as archaic as you can get and yet it speaks of her ability to be productive, frugal, opportunistic, and contribute to the health and status of her family. Her husband and kids didn't stifle her personality...rather she allowed them to inspire her. She was free to be who she was and to serve her family through her energies and talents.
But thing I appreciate the most about her is her character. She delighted in providing for her family. She was modest and respectful. She was strong and wise. She embodied love. Because of that, her husband and kids adore her and realise that they are blessed to have her. She mirrors godliness even in the midst of her crazy busy life.
She may seem like an impossible ruler to measure one's self against but overall, if you simplify the list, the calling isn't much different from what you and I face. I may not be married or have kiddos like she does, but that doesn't change the fact that I am still able to mirror godliness, allow God to use the talents He's given me, and to allow myself to address the needs of those around me.
Perhaps, she's not that intimidating after all.
Doesn't she make most woman hate her? She is so... perfect. :)
I like that the word includes examples like these. Also examples of man of honor and respect and purpose. It gives us something to strive for. We are not there yet, but we should desire to be there.
Thanks for shaing Mindi.
It's easy to see her (or other examples...perhaps even Jesus) as a ruler to measure ourselves against. But in reflecting over this passage and the one on Boaz, was really counts is faithfulness. God isn't looking for things we do or don't do but people committed to serving/following Him. That seems more freeing, to me at least.
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