Wednesday, December 22

A Bit of Joy, Part 6

Here are a few more things that bring joy to my life:
  1. Unexpected blessings...little things such as affirmation from my boss or an extra price discount at a store.
  2. The Christmas season now feels off-kiltered for apart and too many unknown plans...and yet, the joy comes in knowing that God is still Emmanuel (God with us).
  3. I love it when my mind feels all confused and befuddled and then the perfect song comes to mind which calms my mind and spirit and reiterates all that I know and feel. Does this makes sense? The two songs that keeps playing around and around in my head are To God be the Glory and And Can It Be? Not exactly Christmas songs but applicable to what's going on in my life.
  4. Discussions about church, God, missions, or the Bible...just about any conversation on these topics energize and excite me and bring me joy. I think I just mainly love talking about what God has done and what God is doing!
Clearly, I'm not going to get 100...I'm about out of time, if Christmas is my final date and with this post, I've now come up with 31 total. But that's okay. The point of this whole exercise is to focus my mind on what is worthwhile and good versus the things that frustrate or distract from what is truly important, which happens when I focus on myself too much! :) Maybe I'll aim for 50 joys instead...

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