Friday, December 31

A holiday letter

Dear God,

I love my family...You know that!
And I love spending time with my don't think me ungrateful!
But if possible...if you could help me out...I'd really like the opportunity to spend next Christmas and/or New Year's with someone else and his family and friends.
No, I don't have anyone specific in mind...but I'm hoping you might.
Anyhow, I just thought I'd put my request in early on.
Sincerely and hopeful,


A Bit of Joy, Part 9 (the finale)

This has been a good set my mind on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable (Philippians 4:8). Sometimes it is hard to do, of course. But what has been reiterated to me is that joy is all around us. It is more a matter of opening our eyes to see and appreciate what God is doing.

Anyhow, here are my final 6. This should bring the total up to 50, unless I counted wrong! :)
  1. Often, for me, I find joy in cooking. Sure, there are times when I wish I didn't commit to making something and often I don't really cook for myself but normally, whenever I get the chance to play in the kitchen I find myself smiling, excited, creative, and useful. Cooking is one area in which I feel I get to be me, a bit more. It's an activity that energizes me. Today in the kitchen, I'm making Dulce de Leche and Hoppin' Johns. Also, another aspect of this is hospitality...I enjoy having people over and serving them.
  2. Preparing Sunday school lessons. Okay, okay...there are times, when I approach this with a drudgery but generally once I get into the planning, I love it! I love studying the Bible. I love "discovering" Christ in the Old Testament and then get excited to share it with my church's middle schoolers. This Sunday, I'm teaching "introduction to the minor prophets"...I'm diving into my studies right after this.
  3. Books, movies, or music that remind me of God and His goodness. This is a very broad one, I know. Right now, I'm reading the Harmony series by Philip Gully, which gives some sweet focus or reminder in every chapter. Also, I'm watching Monk, season 8...a show I love and am so sad is now over. However, even in Adrian Monk's character and the relationships that he has with others, I'm reminded that God has His hand in our lives and that by living with integrity, we bring honor to Him.
  4. Productivity. Don't get me wrong...I love my down time however, I love the feeling of having a productive day. The knowledge that I was able to get some things done or organized. Productivity makes the down time more rewarding, I think.
  5. Other people's joy bring me joy. I found out yesterday that another friend of mine is pregnant. That brings the count up to 4 pregnant friends  (I think) and 2 engaged friends. Their news brings joy as I know and share in their excitement and anticipate the blessings of those births/marriages.
  6. The hope for tomorrow. I suppose this is in the fact that I know God is in control and joy in the fact that in spite of everything, whatever that may be, I'm still able to have hope.
Thanks for sharing in this with me. Hope this has helped in recalling some of the joys in your life.
May this next year have God's handprint all over it...may He use you, bless you, and teach you more about Himself. Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 30

A Bit of Joy, Part 8

Hope you all had a nice Christmas.

This past week was a bit different for me. My mom has been in California since December 8th because my grandpa went to the hospital with pneumonia. He passed away December 20 so we didn't have my mom around on Christmas Eve and Day. Then we all flew down to California on the 27th for the funeral on the 28th.

Needless to say, there was still family time and more than there would have originally been. There was also lots of laughter. But there was/is sadness, loss, and grieving. This year, more than ever, I found Christmas joy in the birth of the Savior more so than in the "tidings of good cheer."

Anyhow, here are some joys from the last few days
  1. Having family friends come to the funeral, to support our family...what a blessing that was! They had minimally met my grandpa over the years they've know my parents. We didn't expect them to come but they showed up anyways.
  2. The fact that my immediate family of 6 all enjoys one another's presence. We have fun together, we make each other laugh, and we just generally enjoy spending time together. A couple family highlights would be playing "apples to apples" on Christmas Day and all six of us squeezing into my grandparent's car that really only sits four comfortably, five if you're skinny(er), and six if you have a small kid that can squeeze in the front between the parents...we made it work and laughed about it!
  3. Lovely, hand-crafted scenery. I had lay-overs in Salt Lake City and San Francisco and then spent the rest of the time in Ontario, California. Each of those locations had beautiful scenery: snow-dusted mountains, reddish sunsets, glistening water, green rolling hills, and sun that beamed down on my face.
  4. Spending time with extended family. Having grown up apart from my extended family, I would say that I am not generally close to any of them. However, I do love them. So for all the moments where there was connection, affection, and concern for one another, those moments brought joy.
  5. Joy comes in having my grandmother know me and my name. My grandma is so cute...she's a little trooper. But she has dementia and is sometimes often fuzzy on the details. But every time I was able to see her the past 48 hours, she knew who I was and was so happy to see me.
  6. Joy comes in the legacy that my grandpa left behind. I talked about legacy a short while ago and these past three days, I got to hear about my grandpa's...I can't even begin to count how many people shared during the service or approached me later on to say how much they loved/appreciated or will miss my grandpa and why. I loved hearing the reasons why.
  7. Giving a present away. The gift that blessed me is now able to bless others. I don't think my brother will mind.
  8. Sweet accommodations that my parents gave me that weren't necessary but done anyways. A coffee stop on the way to the airport, Wednesday morning. A burger run (to the best hamburger joint ever) right after my arrival to California, on Monday.
  9. Ooh...another joy was the sermon from this past Sunday. It was a great sermon from Isaiah 9:6 on the four names given to Christ and how those attributes can impact us. I needed this sermon.
I think this list is sufficient for today. Thanks for letting me share.

Thursday, December 23

A Bit of Joy, Part 7

I'm still seeking joy. Here's what I've come up with today...
  1. As much as I complain about my job (sorry about that), I recognize that I am truly blessed with the job I have. I work for supportive and understanding people, who genuinely like me and want me there. I get occasional coffee treats, such as today. I get to leave early every Friday and extra early the eve of every holiday, such as today. I get to regularly talk with people and to hear some of their stories. And the list goes on...while it's easy for me to complain that I'm not where I want to be, today I choose joy over God's provision.
  2. Looking into my past, I'm astounded. For the record, I am so thankful that the life I wanted, when I was 18, didn't happen. I would have been "married, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen"...not that that is a bad thing but I would have missed out on college, friendships, Germany, more friendships, and many of the life-lessons I've learned along the way. It's astounds me how God has ordained my path and how it's been much better than I ever dreamed or expected. Not to say that there hasn't been hard points along that road but the fact that God's hand is all over my past, bring me much joy!
  3. Rain...yes, joy over rain. As I'm sitting here watching it rain outside again (a very common occurrence between the fall and spring seasons), I am reminded how good rain is. This reminder comes in my friend's blog, a song, and another song. This being said, I wouldn't object to snow!
  4. Becoming healthier. I have a long ways to go still however, the pants are a bit looser, I'm exercising a bit more...I'm healthier today than I was a month ago...every little bit is a good step in the right direction. And is immensely satisfying in the process. However, the holiday chocolates and goodies still sing to me...
I don't know if I'll make time to write in this next week's time...we shall see. I need to schedule in homework time tomorrow, then holiday plans, church activities, and now a trip to California next Monday-Wednesday.

So, in case I don't write in the next couple days, I hope you have a blessed and happy Christmas. May the incredible coming of our Lord be impressed upon your heart again and again!

Wednesday, December 22

A Bit of Joy, Part 6

Here are a few more things that bring joy to my life:
  1. Unexpected blessings...little things such as affirmation from my boss or an extra price discount at a store.
  2. The Christmas season now feels off-kiltered for apart and too many unknown plans...and yet, the joy comes in knowing that God is still Emmanuel (God with us).
  3. I love it when my mind feels all confused and befuddled and then the perfect song comes to mind which calms my mind and spirit and reiterates all that I know and feel. Does this makes sense? The two songs that keeps playing around and around in my head are To God be the Glory and And Can It Be? Not exactly Christmas songs but applicable to what's going on in my life.
  4. Discussions about church, God, missions, or the Bible...just about any conversation on these topics energize and excite me and bring me joy. I think I just mainly love talking about what God has done and what God is doing!
Clearly, I'm not going to get 100...I'm about out of time, if Christmas is my final date and with this post, I've now come up with 31 total. But that's okay. The point of this whole exercise is to focus my mind on what is worthwhile and good versus the things that frustrate or distract from what is truly important, which happens when I focus on myself too much! :) Maybe I'll aim for 50 joys instead...

Tuesday, December 21

A Bit of Joy, Part 5

Today, joy is found in...
  1. The knowledge of who I am regardless of what others may think.
  2. The assurance of my salvation and future.
  3. A much-needed good night's sleep (although finding joy was much harder when my alarm clock went off this morning...oh how I wanted to keep sleeping and forget about work!)
  4. Being trusted to hear and guard people's stories
  5. Friends checking in on me
  6. The anticipation of (hopefully) blessing others through simple Christmas gifts.
  7. Needed reminders of what is important and of how God wants me to live.

Christmas in Heaven?

My grandpa just passed away and is now in Heaven with our Lord. It occurred to me today that he is home and that he gets to celebrate Christmas with the Person behind Christmas. This got me thinking about whether or not there's a Christmas party in Heaven, to celebrate Jesus' birth date. Okay, okay...I know that Jesus wasn't really born on December 25 and that the whole date and Christmas tree thing was created by Christians much later on, but let's run with this anyways.

Imagine, what would Christmas look like in Heaven?
  • A giant, decked-out tree?
  • Or maybe the cross that Christ died on, fully decorated, kind of like a maypole, in the middle of Heaven?
  • Story time with Joseph, Mary, the shepherd, the magi, the angels...and other person touched/changed by Jesus from that day?
  • A giant movie screen showing that historical, life-changing event?
  • Confetti being thrown, banners that say "happy birthday Jesus," and us giving gifts to Jesus in worship and adoration?
  • Singing Christmas carols to Jesus (instead of just singing about Jesus)?
  • A star-dance and angel-choir performance/reenactment?
  • Being able to say "thank you for coming" to Jesus, face to face?
  • Being able to hug Jesus and wish Him a happy birthday?
  • Laughter and delight over the fact that in earth years, Jesus would be a wonderful 2000+ year old man?
  • Maybe Jesus would let it snow and then after the party, we could have a snowball fight or go sledding?
If the party/celebration is anything like this, I'm a bit jealous. :)

Although I supposed even if you stripped all the hoopla away, it would be still wonderful to simply just hug Jesus and say "thank you for coming." That would make my day.

Sunday, December 19

A Bit of Joy, Part 4

Joy comes in the form of...
  1. Quiet, sleepy, lazy mornings (Saturday) where not much needs to be done and relaxation can be afforded for a short time.
  2. Simple nativity figurines that remind of the salvation, a willingness to be used by God and that God is with us.
  3. Seeing smiles and laughter from a friend who has struggled to do both, over the last year.
  4. Remembering that God has brought light into my life, where there was once darkness! Amazing!
  5. Having people pray for me, my desires, and my future, without asking them to!
  6. Connecting with others over something as simple as recalling movie lines.

Friday, December 17

A (wee) Bit of Joy, Part 3

  1. I once heard it said that we shouldn't be living for the weekend or days off but rather living to make every moment count, especially at work. While I know that thought has a point, I'm so thankful for the weekends. The fact that I have a period of rest or even simply a change of pace and activities, lifts my spirit and give me joy.
  2. I'm also so thankful that my speech has a filter, which is my conscious (aka the Holy Spirit), that keeps me from saying things I shouldn't say (most of the time). If I said everything that came to my mind...oh boy. The joy in this is I know the Holy Spirit is working on and in way I see it in the control usage of my speech. I know what it could be and I'm thankful that my speech is not above/beyond redemption!

A Bit of Joy, Part 2

The amazing thing about joy is that it is not dependent on our circumstances but rather our attitude and perspective. That means that regardless of what we go through or are going through, we can still have joy.
  1. Being invited to a friend's for dinner. Good food and even better, good company.
  2. Taking a walk in the midst of chaos. The cool air, a period of no rain, the Christmas lights and wreaths that decorate the nearby houses, a time to calm down before saying something I shouldn't.
  3. Going to the gym even when my day is full and I would MUCH rather go home and relax. I guess this more about the pride in myself for not "taking the day off."
  4. Hanging out with my sister and watching a movie she loves (Maverick) which also made me laugh.
  5. The clear morning where you can see all our surrounding mountains on glorious display.
  6. A cup of coffee...I'm not sure what it is about the drink that brings joy. The taste brings momentary pleasure. But I think it's the whole act of having something warm in my hands, that tastes good, and brightens my morning a bit more. Am I crazy?
  7. Knowing that people are praying for my grandpa. All I have to do is ask, which I've done on my church's prayer chain.

Thursday, December 16

A Bit of Joy

There's a blog I've recently discovered that I am just loving. Her writing is genuine as she shares about not being in an emotional place to celebrate Christmas. So to help with that, she is doing a list of 100 joys that she can find between December 1-25. Her list often brings a smile to my face and the warm feeling of God's goodness. Furthermore, her list is accompanied by all these beautiful pictures.

Well, I've decided I'm going to attempt to find 100 joys or as many as possible. I know I'm getting a late start. It's not that I've been joyless but I since I believe all joy comes from God, this will help me to focus more on Him as we approach Christmas. It's easy to get stuck on aforementioned job dislike, uncertainty over the future, lack of a husband, too busy, me, me, me...blah!

  1. I help with AWANA at my church. At one point, I was asking my group of girls what their favorite part of Christmas was. In the midst of all the expected answers, one girl said that her favorite thing was having a fire in the fireplace and the tree lit up next to it...that warm cozy feeling of being home.
  2. The memories I have plus the assurance of my grandpa's faith, as he is struggling with pneumonia and is doing very poorly, according to the doctors.
  3. The ability to bless others. What might be small to me...what would be wasted on frivolous things...can bring joy, life, comfort, and hope to others. That, in turn, blesses me.
  4. We all have friends who require a bit more energy from us, right? I have invited such a friend to come over for dinner and a Christmas movie. I'm genuinely looking forward to this.
  5. Lastly for right now, joy is knowing that when crap hits fan, people still have your back.

Wednesday, December 15

Christmas thoughts

Did the stars twinkle brighter that night?
Did it look like they were dancing across the sky?
Or giggling in anticipation?

Did creation know of the special event?
Did the rocks cry out praises of excitement?
Did the mountains quake or the trees shake?
Moving in joy and adoration?

Did the angels press their faces against the sky?
Peering down into the cool dark evening?
To watch a humble couple journey, the girl obviously in pain?
Did they wait in awe-filled silence to see this drama play out?
Or did they ask the Father if they could help, go, aid, and ease?

Did the world realize the night of the special event?
One star did shine brightly
Some animals did surround the scene
A choir of angels was sent to sing and announce the miraculous birth.
But as for the rest, did they realize? Did they know?
Or did the day pass by?

“The heavens declare the glory of the Lord…
Day after day they pour forth speech”
But what about you and what about me?
Did the innkeeper realize the family was blessed?
Did the shepherds feel unknown anticipation?
Did those who travelled with them, long to help, go, aid and ease?
Or were simply too busy, too burdened, too unaware?

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given”
Would I have noticed? Would I have waited?
Eagerly and prayerfully?
Or would I have missed the quiet entrance?
By the distractions of the day?
There’s much I don’t know about that one day
But through the birth of the babe
My life has forever been changed.

Thursday, December 9

Rewriting your legacy

Every day, on the Christian radio station I listen to, they have a question for the morning. You can call in share your answer/thoughts and then sometimes they enter you for a contest, if you call.

The question today was "what kind of legacy do want to be known for?" And then one of the morning hosts asked jokingly what do you do if you want to change or re-write your legacy? I thought that was a very interesting and thought-provoking question.

How can you re-write your legacy? Or maybe your current legacy is fine but you want to improve or sharpen your legacy!  Personally, I want to sharpen my legacy. I want to be know more than just a nice person. (To provide an example, I thought I'd share some of my legacy thoughts from this morning to show how I have worked and am working through this. For what it's worth...)

My first thought was that I want to be known as someone who gave generously and abundantly. But then it occurred me that this gives me too many accolades, which I don't deserve regardless of how much I give.

My second thought was that I want to be known as someone who gave generously and abundantly because God blessed me. But I was unsatisfied with that...still too much me.

My next thought was that I want to be known as someone who lived simply so that God could use more of the resources He has given me, for His glory. To be honest, this one scares me. To live simply would take significant changes...hard changes, at first. So in an attempt to "soften the blow"...

My current thought is that I want to be known as someone who obeyed and followed God, regardless of the cost, whether financially, physically, or relationally. But really, while this is nice and not as scary, it is not clear and concise unless it was followed up by very specific goals.

Anyhow, these are thoughts in process...I'll probably mull over this for awhile yet. I encourage you to think about your legacy. Whether or not we think about it, we are leaving a legacy behind us. But I believe it is possible to change your legacy, if that is, in fact, a desire. You are not bound to be stay the person you are...your past or present circumstances do not have to define you but can be part of a testimony of how much you have changed, grown, or inspired others, in light of your past or present.

Tuesday, December 7

Good Christmas reading

Here are a few of my favorite Christmas stories, in case you're looking for something good to read (or re-read)! Happy reading!

1. Skipping Christmas by John Grisham. It's a story about this couple whose only daughter leaves before Christmas. Not feeling joyful or jolly, they decide to skip everything pertaining to Christmas to go on a cruise. Their announcement causes chaos among their friends and neighbors who don't understand. This book is funny, sweet, and reminds you of what is truly important.

2. Shepherds Abiding by Jan Karon. This is part of the Mitford really I hate to recommend this book without recommended the entire series. However, it can be read by itself although you may at times feel like you are missing a past detail or two. The story is about Father Tim and the town of Mitford as they approach Christmas. Lives are changed and the beauty of the season and of Christ's birth story reconnects with many as they go about their daily lives.

3. The Worst Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson. Yes, this is a kid's book however this is the one book I'd recommend reading if you've never read this book before. A funny little story about the Herdmans...the worst kids ever to live...who sign up for the church's Christmas pageant only because they heard that snacks are given to the kids. What follows is much comedy as well as a sweet reminder of the transforming power that comes through the baby Jesus.

4. The Story of the Other Wise Man by Henry Van Dyke. To be honest, I've never read this book although my dad has read this story to us a few times. Immediately after the three wisemen left, a four wiseman realises his error and hurries to catch up, which he never does. The journey that he goes on to find the King of Kings is filled with a few adventures, which ultimately resigns him to thinking that he has nothing to offer the King. Little does he see, until a fateful day, how God has ordained his whole life.

5. The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry. This classic short story speaks of a couple's act of sacrificially giving, out of love for one another. It's a reminder that the whole reason behind Christmas is love...the love of a Father who allowed His Son to come to earth as a babe. I've attached a link to Amazon, like the others, however you can probably find and read this online!

**If I've missed a favorite Christmas story of yours, let me know...I have "extra" time coming up and would love a new book to read!

Sunday, December 5

A Quiche Recipe

I love quiche!
But most quiches have crusts, whole milk or heavy cream, butter, etc...all things which make the quiche yummy and delicious but also add calories and fat. In a desire to make a healthier quiche, I came up with the following recipe, which I'm sharing with you!

1 medium yellow or russet potato, peeled, and sliced as thinly as possible.
2 stalks of leeks, sliced thinly up to the green leafy part
1 cup of sliced button mushrooms
2 Laughing Cow cheese wedges (I used the French Onion flavor), diced
4 eggs, beaten
1/3 cup 1% milk* (although any will do, I think)
1/4 cup fat-free sour cream (again any will do)
1 tsp of salt
1 or 2 cloves of garlic, minced
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 to 1 tsp of dill (or any other spice you fancy)

Preheat oven to 350 degree. Spray or butter a 9" pie pan. Layer the thinly sliced potatoes on the bottom. Add layers of sliced leeks, sliced mushrooms, and diced Laughing Cows (feel free to substitute whatever cheese you have on hand...I just wanted to make mine healthier).

In a separate bowl, whisk 4 eggs until well beaten. Add in sour cream and stir until well mixed. Add in milk and seasonings and mix well. Pour over the vegetable layers. Bake in oven for approximately 40 minutes.

*I'm guessing on a few of the measurements since I didn't measure when I made this. The milk, for example, it may be only 1/4-1/3 cup that I used. You don't want to add to much...

**I was very pleased at how this came out. Good taste, didn't seem to be lacking anything, and good texture. Hope you enjoy it too, if you make it. Let me know if there are any questions!

Friday, December 3

Thesis interview

My mentor asked me to take this quiz, to find out what about my strengths creates energy and excitement and what drains me. One thing that stood out was that I love to hear people's stories. If I could have a one-on-one with you, I'd love to hear your hear the things that made you who you are share in your highs and lows...and to hear your heart for what's next.

I received the privilege to "hear" someone's story today: a lady whose family (husband and two children) were supported, by my church, during 22 year of overseas missionary ministry.

You know that type of family that seems very close, very funny, very close to God...the family that you love to be around and to hear all their stories...the family that you put on a pedestal because you so desire to be like them? This was one of those families for me. Every time they came home from the mission field, our church embraced them and I personally got excited to hear about the things they had experienced and to hear how God had used them. Let me introduce to the Smith's.

I've promised to keep the details anonymous but here's a synopsis of their ministry. For 22 years, the Smith's served in the same country...a country of relative peace, I believe, but surrounded by countries in the midst of turmoil and upheaval. Because of this, this family had numerous times of living with the knowledge that at any time, they might have to evacuate. They were watched, they were threatened, they've had people chanting for their death. Needless to say, this a country where sharing about God and passing out Bibles is illegal. Despite the almost constant threats, they were able to have a productive ministry, becoming highly involved in their neighbors' lives and were able to lead many to a relationship with God.

In 2002, Mr. Smith hit a pedestrian when driving. From what I remember hearing, the man jumped out into the street, not seeing Mr. Smith's car, and Mr. Smith didn't have time to stop. The man ended up in a coma, hanging onto life, for 2.5 months. It was uncertain whether or not he'd make it. The law in that country is that if a pedestrian is hit, the driver is to blame, even if it was an accident. Moreover, if this man died, then Mr. Smith would then be guilty of murder. While this man was in a coma, Mr. Smith was sent to prison and like the victim, his fate was unknown. I remember praying and praying; grief-stricken for Mr. Smith and his family and praying for the pedestrian's recovery. Every day, Mrs. Smith went to visit the pedestrian where she prayed over him continually and tried to minister to his family, all while the family was suing the Smiths for $500,000. After 2.5 months, the man woke up and knew instantly that his life had been saved for a purpose. He gave his life to Christ, dropped all the family's charges against the Smiths and requested that Mr. Smith be released from jail. Amazing, isn't it?

However, during the time in prison, Mr. Smith changed. He had suffered abuse, hunger and sickness while in the jail and he became angry towards God and the nationals. He began to pull away from his family and didn't seek immediate counseling. He jumped back into his work as if nothing had happened. Mid 2002, the family came home to the States for the counseling and time to reconnect but Mr. Smith sadly decided he wanted no part of this. He divorced Mrs. Smith and left her and the children. I was away at college when my mom told me this news. Our pastor had announced their divorce at the end of one service, shocking everyone. I cried over this news and felt utterly heartbroken for them all (and still do). Mr. Smith has since re-married and I do not know any more details of how he's doing spiritually.  Needless to say, this divorce turned Mrs. Smith's life upside down. Her husband was gone, her kids were off to college, her home was half a world away, and her career was over.

In the years since, she had found healing and has learned to lean on God daily. She has found Him faithful the entire time...during her miscarriages, threats, wars, imprisonment, and divorce. While life may not have gone as she had once dreamed or hoped, she is still able to serve the Lord with joy and purpose, trusting that He holds her in His hands.

While I'm doing this thesis paper on suffering and have my own opinions on why God allows it, I must say that it amazes me continually that people can go through the fire and come out still worshipping God. If the end of Mrs. Smith's story was that she was struggling and questioning God, nobody would probably think any less of her. It would be understandable. But to go through that experience and still say that "God is good" or "God is faithful" or "to God be the glory," is nothing short of inspiring.

I still want to be like Mrs. Smith when I grow up! :)

Thursday, December 2

in trouble with the IRS...

I found out about an hour ago, that I, yes I, got my boss "in trouble" with the IRS (internal revenue services)! I know!!! Not everyone is lucky enough to say that. In light of Wesley Snipes current trip to the slammer for the next three years, due to tax evasion, I think this is all pretty timely.

So, the story!

As a refresher, I work for a small company...4 people on the payroll, to be exact. My boss and his wife own the company. I am the minion. Well, about a month ago or so, my boss' wife comes in to have a coffee break with her husband. While in the office, she mentions that the IRS has contacted them in order to audit their records for unpaid sales tax. Now, are you familiar with the show Monk? A delightful comedy about an OCD, germaphobic's brilliant. Watch it, if you haven't already seen it! My boss' wife admits that she is about two steps away from being as OCD as Monk. In fact, she can't even watch Monk because his mannerisms get her all wound up. So when she says that she have fastidious records, you know that she can account for every penny! As for unpaid sales tax, we all drew a blank.

Not every state pays sales tax but in Washington, you do! So everything we buy in the state, which is everything in our office, we have already paid sales tax on. Pens, Paperclips, Paper, Chairs, Computers, Phones, name it, we bought it locally in our state! How could the IRS think we have evaded sales tax? My boss and his wife, although they knew that this meeting was serious, they were confident that it would chalk up to be a waste of time as this IRS man would find nothing!

So the three of them met today and scoured the records for 4 hours, at least. At the end, going back two years ago, they found one thing that I purchased online for the thing for which we were not charged sales tax, unbeknownst to me. It was our company brochure paper. We needed more, I offered to take care of it online and so I did.

Folks, we are talking about $5 of tax that we did not pay! Yep...that's all this IRS man gets to take back with him. (Honestly I have no idea how much the tax would be...I think the order was around $ somewhere between $5-10 dollars is what should have been paid.)

Funny, isn't it? Good ole' system!

I think I'll make Pumpkin Bread and bring coffee in for everyone tomorrow, due the troubles I've caused! I hope this doesn't go on my record. :)