Monday, May 10


I long to talk with you.
I am not a huge talker to be honest, but long to hear your voice and to chat about random daily things, things both insignificant and important.

I long to hear your heart.
I long to hear your dreams, prayers, wishes, thoughts about God and goals in life.

I long to hear your laugh.
I long to hear the life and joy of your laughter. It will be a delight in making you laugh and to laugh because of you.

I long to hear your voice.
It will bring joy, comfort, excitement and peace to my soul. Your voice will admonish, correct, guide, and teach me. Sure, there will be times when your voice will aggravate or frustrate me (and I you) but I'm willing to have those moments too.

But more than all this, I long for your presence.
To know that even if we are not talking or laughing, you are there for me and I am there for you.

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