Life is a whirlwind at the moment.
I'm moving to Mexico!
In the month or so prior to moving, I have oodles of stuff to do. This rush is quite normal I think.
- I have to sort and pack my stuff, sell off and give away some things.
- Keep working 40 hours/week and soon begin training my replacement.
- Get the myriad of things lined up, like car maintenance, doctor and dentist appts.
- Plus, of course visit a multitude of people.
I keep thinking that I can relax and recharge when I get to Mexico but even that evokes a chuckle as the summer is the busiest time, according to my friends, Brian and Erin, who are already down there. I'm pretty it will be more like hitting the ground running.
So, what will I be doing down there?
I will be partnering with the Envision site down in Ensenada, Mexico.
Envision is a division of the Christian & Missionary Alliance that is focused on short-term missions, for one week or up to two years. It's for both individuals or teams. The heart of this division is to "mobilize the next generation for Kingdom change."
My role will be to help provide leadership to this Ensenada location. This will include to help oversee the teams that will be coming down to serve in Ensenada (more next summer than this summer when I'm so new), connect/engage with the local Mexican church in supporting their ministries, and participating in whatever ministries God puts before me. This field seems ripe with opportunities to work with youth and children, which is where my heart is.
So why me? Why this field?
Well, funny story actually. Serving in Mexico (or any other Latin/South American country) was never on my radar. Whenever I tried to imagine where God might use and send me, I always concluded it would be in Europe or Asia. And yet, in the last two months (I know, this has been quite fast!) God has so transformed my heart, building up an excitement for the opportunities and possibilities that await in Ensenada and surrounding areas.
As for why me? Well, God has been cultivating and refining me in the last six years since I returned from Germany. In this time of waiting (for a new ministry direction), God has used this time to teach me about how He has wired me and to become okay with that. Without going into the many details, something happened that shook me to the core and made me question my ability to serve in ministry, even though I knew that God had placed a specific calling on my life. Anyhow, in the past six years, God has been "restoring my soul" (Psalm 23:3) and I know now that He is the One who has given me a heart for children and youth. He is the One who breaks my heart for the vulnerable and hurting. He is the One who desires to use me "to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with my God" (Micah 6:8). I am by no mean perfect or have a perfect relationship with God...I still have much growth ahead of me. But that's what this life-journey is about, right?
Anyhow, that's a little synopsis. This blog may be somewhat quiet in the month ahead of me, as I prepare to move south, but I'll do my best to keep you posted.