Tuesday, July 28

This and That

Something I have wanted to do for a couple years now is to can fruits and vegetables. This past Saturday I decided to visit a local u-pick blueberry farm and then make blueberry pie filling, canning it for either future usage or to give away as gifts at some point. Considering it was my first attempt, I think it went over well. On Sunday, I decided to try my hand at canning cherry pie filling. I tell you, pitting about 7 pounds of cherries isn't the most exciting thing one can do but it all came together. Taste wise, I think the blueberry pie filling might be better than the cherry. Maybe in October, I'll make apple pie filling and have a collection of Christmas gifts!

I have to do a thesis paper for my Master's degree. I don't know what the guidelines are since my class won't be officially starting until August 2010. However, this August I'm hoping the school will send me a list of guidelines so that I can start working on the research early next year. I'm assuming since my degree is in Intercultural Leadership, my topic should be missions-related. I've started mulling possible thesis topics in my head and the one I am very interested in is: The Theology of Suffering: the Scriptures, the Church and Missions.

It's a wee bit warm out here. I hate complaining when the sun shines and we get some heat. I am a Washingtonian who doesn't mind our rain and grey skies but also loves it when God gives us nicer and warmer weather. With that said, whenever we hit over 90 degrees, it's a bit hot and we all start melting a bit. Partly it's because most Washingtonians, like me, are pasty white and are simply not used to consistent heat. But mostly it is because we don't have air conditioning in our houses due to our usual lack of consistent heat. The weathermen are promising us that next few days will all be hovering around 100 degrees. I think its safe to say that there will be much rejoicing (temporarily) when the rain comes back!

Wednesday, July 1


It has become evident to me over the last year that the attribute of God that I love and need more than any other is His holiness. I love singing songs that declare "He is Holy!" I love reading Scriptures that talk about angels and saints singing "Holy, holy, holy is Lord God Almighty!" I want to be among those saints.

I read a book, I think (I say I think because I could have made it up), by Randy Alcorn about Christian believers going to Heaven. In the novel, the believers were given a new name and a special task. Work didn't stop just because they were in Heaven. I've thought about that since then (whether or not I made that up). I know what job I want.

I want to be a part of the choir that sings about God's holiness.

Why? Let me share why.

God is Holy because He is perfect, the Creator and Sustainer of all things, and has chosen to freely sacrifice His Son to pay for my own mistakes so I could have a life and a future with Him forever. If God was not Holy, He would not be worth following. He would not be worth spending thousands of dollars on a Master's degree for a job that will pay me little. He would not be worth spending years away from my family just so that I could share His love with others. If God were not Holy, then His Son's sacrifice means nothing, benefits me in no way, and gives me no future. If God were not Holy, the longing for God in my heart would cripple me until I would be hopeless. Futhermore my life, and the thousands of Christian believers before me, would be futile and meaningless. BUT! But God in His Holiness loved us, despite our flaws, mistakes, and ugliness that rears up every once in a while. He loved us before we even were. He saw our personalities and our futures and still wanted us to be a part of His life. And He, and only He, had the means to solve the sin-problem that we created...and He did it, even though it cost Him His Son. He is God...He could have easily wiped us out and started anew but He chose us.

He is a God worthy of praise, respect, adoration and love. He is a God to be followed, mimicked, and worshipped. He is a God that I want to follow, mimic and worship...all because He is Holy.

It is my genuine prayer that God will allow me have my dream role...but then again, He knows best. I can declare His Holiness whether I'm cooking (oh, that would be fun!) or painting (always wanted to learn new art skills) or taking out the garbage (garbage duty can't be too bad in Heaven, right?).